Little Fall Carnival
Oh end of October, with your cool starry evenings and whispering pines, are you just trying to be extra nice? Why else would you bring a carnival straight to my neighborhood? Thank you, and thank you again.
The scent of warm sugar, stepped-on grass and axle grease - walking up to this jewel of a carnival, we took it all in. Memories of middle school rushed by as well, especially when I heard the siren of the Himalaya ride. So surprised to hear that unforgettable sound hadn't changed in all these years. We stood in the wind of this spinning mountain thing, watching blurry faces, and I was held by the music like a magnet. This was good. This was really good. After a month of some unexpected tough stuff, this was just the thing I needed to unwind. It's as if the twirling-ness of everything took over and finally allowed my heart to be still.